
12 items

Vouge Throw Rug

Vouge Throw Rug

The Vintage Vogue Magazine Cover Rug featuring Audrey Hepburn is a stylish and nostalgic homage to the golden age of fashion and cinema. Inspired by the iconic covers of Vogue magazine from the mid-20th century, this rug showcases the timeless elegance and sophistication of Audrey Hepburn, one of the most

Monogram Rug

Monogram Rug

The Round LV Monogram Rug is a luxurious and sophisticated addition to any living space, exuding the timeless elegance and iconic style synonymous with the Louis Vuitton brand. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this rug features the iconic LV monogram pattern woven into its plush fabric, creating a stunning

Dali's Cartier Rug

Dali's Cartier Rug

The Salvador Dali Cartier Watch Rug is a surreal and captivating piece of decor that pays homage to the iconic artwork of Salvador Dali. Inspired by Dali's famous painting "The Persistence of Memory," which features a melting pocket watch draped over a barren landscape, this rug

Tibetan Tiger Rug

Tibetan Tiger Rug

The "Tibetan Tiger Rug" embodies the majestic beauty of the wild and adds an exotic touch to any space. Inspired by the rugged landscapes of Tibet and the fierce elegance of the tiger, this rug is a striking statement piece that captures attention and sparks imagination. Crafted with

"KEEP OFF" Rug by Virgil Abloh

"KEEP OFF" Rug by Virgil Abloh

Introducing the "Keep Off" Rug, a striking collaboration between IKEA and Virgil Abloh, merging contemporary design with an edgy twist. This innovative piece injects a bold and rebellious vibe into your living space. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this rug features a sleek, minimalist design adorned with

Wet Grass Rug

Wet Grass Rug

Introducing the "Wet Grass" Rug, a stunning collaboration between IKEA and Virgil Abloh, blending contemporary design with the essence of nature. This avant-garde piece brings the freshness and vibrancy of dew-kissed grass into your living space. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this rug features a lush, green

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